So The Game, former CW series, premiered on BET tonight...
And I have a few comments about it.
First and foremost, The Game now being on BET sucks balls. Yes, it's just like that. And especially after this 4th episode, I'm done watching it. I don't care to turn it on every Tuesday @ 10, because there's probably something better on tv to watch. [Idk yet, because now that the Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection is over, i think it might be the only thing for me to watch :( ]
So, for the first, comeback episode, I felt like there was just WAY TOO MUCH drama for one episode. I mean yeah, the show's been off for two years, but they could have at least done like a recap. You know, like:
"So Melanie and Derwin finally got married and got a house, and Melanie decides to be a pro football player's housewife instead of doing her residency/practicing; Kelly and Jason living their seperate lives; Malik being same old Malik; Tasha and Rick Fox don't get back together; TeeTee grows up by quitting his job as Malik's assistant and starting his own business... etc"
I think something along those lines would've been more subtle, and eased us back into watching a brand new season.
But no, they decide to hit us with the bing bang boom of Melanie giving Derwin Jr., aka DJ, a paternity test. And it [first] concluded that he wasn't Derwin's, and she tells him. THEN it turns out that there was a mixup and DJ IS Derwin's son, but Melanie doesn't tell him immediately. Then we see a new Kelly who, after having divorced Jason, is running around filming a ex-football wives reality show that bashes Jason. And don't forget the seemingly jealous and upset Jason, who is sturggling to stay with the Sabers. His career is coming to an abrupt halt [which happens in the next episode(s)]. And there's Brittany, who jumped from 7-9yrs old two years ago, to a 14yr olld spoiled brat; her nickname Britt Brat def comes in handy now. Malik is the same womanizing baller, who is now sleeping with the new Sabers' owner's wife, played by Meagan Good. He also does TeeTee wrong by having "three-play" in the jacuzzi with TeeTee's new girl. And, Janae seems bitter or jealous of Melanie's lifestyle as she is shown buying the same bag, different color, that Melanie showed her; then she brags to Derwin about it being the same bag, but it looks better than Melanie's.
The show came off as cheesy this time around. It no longer portrays how people in the athletic scene live, instead it's very ghetto, and shows "typical", stereotypical Black people drama filled lives: A very ghetto baller rendition. Not that the show didn't have some ghetto tendencies before, like with certain characters, it's now just all over ghetto.
And there's just minor errors that could've been so easy to fix, like Brittant being way darker than her parents. Jason IS black, but her parents are both light complexioned, and there's no way she goes from being light and bright to very tan. Smh
But I wasn't surprised. I had a feeling when they first announced that The Game was coming back, and on BET, that it would go all types of wrong.