
Friday, June 22, 2012

Resume Do's & Don't's

Just read this article on Yahoo.Thought I'd share since the economy and job market we're in isn't as prospective as it once was, and people are losing their job everyday and having trouble finding new ones, especially fresh-out-of-college kids.

10 Things to Leave Off Your Resume

1. An Objective
" Resume objectives never help and often hurt... they're all about what you want, rather than what this stage of the hiring process is all about-- what the employer wants... resume should be about showing your experience, skills, and accomplishments. If you want to talk about how this particular position is the perfect next step in your career, use the cover letter for that. "

- I for one, never ever included an objective in my resume once I started making them. However, last fall when planning to attend my school's career fair, I got my resume reviewed at the career center, where they told me to add an objective. So was I right all along?!

2. Short-term Jobs
" Short-term jobs raise red flags for hiring managers, who will wonder if you were fired, couldn't do the work, or had trouble getting along with co-workers. Plus, a few months on a job won't typically be useful in showing any real accomplishments or advancement anyway. One exception to this rule is if the job was short-term because it was designed that way ... Those won't raise the sorts of questions above, because you'll have an explanation that doesn't reflect on you poorly. "

- Honestly, all I have on my resume ARE short-term jobs. And that's only because that's how the job was designed. I've never had the time for a full-time/long term job... Just my personal experience.

3. A Functional  Format
" Functional resumes (which list skills and abilities without including a chronological job history) are widely hated by employers, since they easily mask limited work experience or significant work gaps and make it difficult to understand a candidate's career progression."

4. Your Photo
" Unless you're applying for a job as a model or actor, photos of yourself have no place on your resume.Your appearance has nothing to do with your ability to do the job, including a photo comes across as naive and unprofessional. "

- Does anyone actually include a photo of themselves? My response to anyone, non model or actor : Lame! You would only send in a photo is you are asked to do so. Please don't make this mistake people.

5. A Fancy Design
" What most hiring managers think when we see a resume with unusual design or use of color: Does this candidate think that their skills and achievements won't speak for themselves? Do they not understand what employers are looking for? Do they put an inappropriate emphasis on appearances over substance? "

- Sigh. I've never had a designed resume, but you'd think that in this time, when it's all about promoting yourself and your personality, that a designed resume would be nice. NOT! Unless you are of course, applying to a design job.

6.  Subjective Descriptions
" Your resume is for experience and accomplishments only. It's not the place for subjective traits, like "great leadership skills" or "creative innovator." Smart employers ignore anything subjective that applicants write about themselves because so many people's self-assessments are wildly inaccurate - stick to objective facts. "

- Awh, I'm a culprit of this. Yes, my resume has these "subjective" traits about me, and only because they are true.

7. Mention of High School
" More than a few years past your high school graduation date, employers don't care which high school you attended or how accomplished you were there. "

- I think I'm still a culprit of this point too. My high school was a great school when I went there (I'm not sure what's going on there these days though..)

8.  Extra Pages
" If you're in your 20s, your resume should only be one page; there's not enough experience to justify a second one. If you're older, two pages are fine, but you go over that limit at your own peril. Hiring managers may spend only 20 or 30 seconds on your application initially, so extra pages are either ignored or they dilute the impact of the others. Your resume should be for highlights, not extensive detail. "

- I like this, only more than a page, if you are older and more experienced, but still cautionary.

9. Your Salary
" Resumes don't typically include a salary history, so candidates who include it come across as naive. And by sharing that information unbidden, you'll also compromise your negotiating power later. "

- Duly noted! Although, why would you even put it on there?! Whoever hires you would def use it to their advantage, and you could end up paid less than you could've been paid.

10. Mention of references - including "references available upon request"
" You don't need to say that you'll provide references if asked, because that goes without saying...  it takes up space you could use for something else."

- Oh yeah, I used to have this on my resume, until I got tired of it making it 2 pages. That was annoying. Good to know it is unnecessary!

So, I hope reading this will give tips on how to have a good resume and help get those top dollar jobs. I know I'll be taking a looksy over my resume as soon as possible.