ankara is really just a basic fabric used in W. African countries like Nigeria, etc for traditional clothing.
here in the states, it seems like there has been a recent "boom" in the wearing of the fabric outside of African parties, iWld say starting from like 08-ish. ppl, specifically the females, are goin all out and having modern styles tailored for them.
even non africans have been spotted indulging in our traditional fabric in various styles. iJust wanted to let ppl know that this aint know new style/dress that the celebs have created, they've just hopped in the african bandwagon. maybe not so much, but, YOU KNOW WHAT iMEAN! lol
so iGoogled 'ankara styles' for some pics.

and of course iJust had to go on facebook and borrow some pix [from a party] from my good friends page ;)

aight im done, its just too much!
*also check these S. African designs, Sun Goddess