so im sure by now we've all heard of the death of Alexander McQueen, Brit fashion designer.
it is said that he was found in his Mayfair [central London] flat earlier today. apparently he hung himself. also, his mother died w/in the past week. and also one of his close friends died about 3yrs ago.
this is truly sad to hear that someone took their own life. especially when thats the way they decide to end their grief and pain.
truly sad.
RIP Alexander McQueen

*his line McQ which is sposed to be at NY fashion week has been cancelled
UPDATE: 2moro, Feb 19, PPR w/ whom McQueen joined forces, will iGuess "determine" whether or not McQueens line(s) will be continued by another designer.
if not, iSay ppl shld buy his stuff cuz they'll probly become collectors items or something R.I.P. McQueen
***** McQueen's line WILL be continued. im not sure by whom, but since his death, sales have increased by 14%